Fruit Of The Spirit All Year Long
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah … and Merry Kwanzaa too! 
With many walks of life, we remember this season is about Love above all. And no matter how you celebrate, whether with family, friends or on your own, know that you are loved, valued and highly favored.
Christmas and Christ are inclusive.
Christ demonstrates His great love for us with his sacrifice. Whether we choose to believe or not.
This Christmas, let us contemplate the Truth and consider the gift of Self Control. Everyone to some degree, has a challenge with self control. Whether it be the food we eat, the things we drink or the words that come out of our mouth. Maybe like me, you have a high level of enthusiasm and have a challenge with holding something you might be excited to share…
a secret, or a gift, or even a new song?
Regardless, I believe it is important to remember, that everyone has their challenges with self control to some degree in one way or another. So let us not judge one another as we come together this holiday season. Let us love one another as we all become brighter lights. We can have more fruit of the Spirit which is Love, Joy, Peace, patience, kindness, meekness, gentleness and self control…for the good of all.