Where is your focus today? To find contentment in all circumstances, we need to focus on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. By doing this, we are better equipped to succeed and at the same time, keep our minds off negative influences and distractions.
There is no stopping the goodness of God and when you believe, the sky’s the limit. When we are rooted in Truth and are certain of God’s purposes for our lives, there is no reason to not believe in great things. And as we move from Glory to Glory, doing the small things daily, after some time we should see big results! This is the key to not giving up.
Sometimes, we need to expand our thinking and step out of the box to explore the possibilities. When we do this, we often discover new opportunities that await us. The only requirement is the courage to follow our heart and do something different.
Having our heart in the right place is valuable. And when possibilities have to do with edifying others, being a blessing, serving God in some way to make the world a better place, we are on the right track. However, it takes focus to persevere, because most endeavors take time to evolve and manifest into a successful reach. Often they require a financial investment to a degree, and this can require multitasking and outside support.
But God never gives us more than we can handle. And if our mind is focused on the possibilities and our heart is in the right place, we are on track to accomplish our goals. We discover that we get what we need to fulfill God’s purposes. And the supply comes. Now it’s important to be accustomed to daily prayer and fellowship with the Lord, so that your direction is clear. When we take time to spend with God in prayer, He answers our needs according to His will.
There is a world of possibility at your doorstep. Are you using your gifts and talents for good? Seek the Lord and consider the many ways you can possibly do what you Love so that you lead a fulfilling life that is rewarding. Do not resist the Lord and spend your days as a slave to doing what you hate. God would not want that for you. God is all about Love and if you cannot find Love in your situation, it’s time to step out in faith and do something different.
Focus on the possibilities.