A Beautiful Love Story

Sometimes when we have been abused and mistreated, it is difficult to see ourselves as beautiful.
It often takes much hard work and re-programming to correct the negative effects of abuse. I wrote this poem as part of my own healing journey, in hopes to one day have a beautiful relationship where both peoples inner beauty can shine through. I hope you enjoy reading this.


Make me a beautiful love story, from one so ugly and dull.
Make us two like the morning star, full of light shining bright as the sun.
Take everything tempted to be ugly, and with your touch, transform it from the dark.
And make me a beautiful love story, told of hope and laughter from the heart.
Make us shine with the light of love, tender and bright eyes of discernment.
Make us know without a word, were accepted and loved beyond this earth.
Make us breathe and reach for love, just to be one with you.
And make us a beautiful love story; this is my prayer for this afternoon.
And when the evening comes don’t let it fade away.
And in the morning time, remind me of this day

And make me a beautiful love story –
A story told till the end of time;
About a boy and a girl, who overcame the world and the darkness that failed to unfurl them
They were beautiful –
They shined beautiful
They lived in love